DIA 다이아 ‘우우(WooWoo)’ Official Music Video

LABOUM - 두근두근 (Pit a Pat) M/V

LABOUM - 두근두근 (Pit a Pat) M/V

공식 팬카페 - cafe.daum.net/officialLABOUM
공식 트위터 - twitter.com/officialLABOUM
공식 페이스북 - facebook.com/officialLABOUM

[MV] Berry Good(베리굿) _ BibbidiBobbidiBoo(비비디바비디부)

[MV] Berry Good(베리굿) _ BibbidiBobbidiBoo(비비디바비디부)

*English subtitles are now available. :D
(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function)

:: iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/album/%EB%B9...

▶1theK FB : http://www.facebook.com/1theK
▶1theK TW : https://twitter.com/1theK
▶1theK G+ : https://plus.google.com/+1theK

TWICE(트와이스) "Dance The Night Away" M/V

TWICE(트와이스) "Dance The Night Away" M/V

iTunes & Apple Music https://goo.gl/citFjR
Spotify https://goo.gl/qmNqdB
Google Play Music https://goo.gl/4h1PVv

TWICE Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/TWICEonAir
TWICE Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JYPETWICE
TWICE Official Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JYPETWICE
TWICE Official Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/TWICETAGRAM
TWICE Official Homepage: http://TWICE.jype.com
TWICE Official Fan's: http://fans.jype.com/TWICE

ⓒ 2018 JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved

MOMOLAND「BBoom BBoom -Japanese ver.-」Music Video

「BBoom BBoom -Japanese ver.-」のMV解禁!
青い空・透明な海・弾ける笑顔! MOMOLAND、初のオールサイパンロケ!
カラフルなTシャツにホットパンツで健康的な衣装をはじめ「5変化」したりと鮮やかで豪華な MV が完成!

[タイトル] BBoom BBoom
[発売日] 2018年6月13日(水)

1. BBoom BBoom -Japanese ver.-
2. Welcome to Momoland -Japanese ver.-
3. BBoom BBoom -Japanese ver.- (Instrumental)
4. Welcome to Momoland -Japanese ver.- (Instrumental)

Aグループ→ ヨンウ、ナユン、ジェイン
Bグループ→ ナンシー、ヘビン、テハ
Cグループ → ジュイ、デイジー、アイン

[価格]1,713円+税/ KICM-91846
1. BBoom BBoom -Japanese ver.- Music Video
2. Making of Music Video

[価格]1,713円+税/ KICM-91847

[価格]1,204円+税/ KICM-1848

18:30~ (受付18:0019:00
[会場] 大阪:ツイン21 アトリウム

14:00~ (受付時間は当日引き換えの参加券をご確認ください)
[会場] 愛知:名古屋市中小企業振興会館(吹上ホール)3F 第2ファッション展示場

16:30~ (受付15:3018:30)
[会場] 東京:東京流通センター 第2展示場Eホール

[会場] 神奈川:ラゾーナ川崎プラザ 2Fルーファ広場 グランドステージ

[会場] 大阪:ツイン21 アトリウム

●MOMOLAND JAPAN 1st Fanmeeting 2018
18:00/ START 19:00
【問い合わせ】キョードーインフォメーション TEL:0570-200-888

13:00/START 14:00
16:30/START 17:30
【問い合わせ】KMミュージック  TEL:045-201-9999

●一般 ¥7,500(税込)
) ¥7,500(税込)  *2F前方指定席
) ¥15,000(税込)  *2F前方指定席



*English subtitles are now available. :D
(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function)

[Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.
[공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다.

:: iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/album/fun-to...

This summer, MOMOLAND, loaded with the ‘Fun’ virus, will fall the world into joy! The title track ‘BAAM’ describes the situation of having a crush on an unexpected person with the word ‘BAAM’ in a playful way. The song sounds fresh with the parts that express each member’s characteristics well and a trendy rap hook.


▶1theK FB : http://www.facebook.com/1theK
▶1theK TW : https://twitter.com/1theK
▶1theK Kakao : https://goo.gl/otRpZc

Red Velvet '#Cookie Jar' MV

Red Velvet JAPAN 1st mini album will be released on July 4th, 2018 in Japan.
Title Track "#Cookie Jar" Music Video is released!

01 #Cookie Jar
02 Aitai-tai
03 ‘Cause it’s you
04 Dumb Dumb
05 Russian Roulette
06 Red Flavor

Listen and download

Red Velvet Japan Official

PAWS Telegram

Блог о новом Телеграм боте PAWS Telegram . Blog about new Telegram PAWS bot minigame, mini application, miniapp: https://paws-telegram.blog...