T-Ara - Cry Cry (Member Dance Ver. - 2011)

T-Ara - Cry Cry (Member Dance Ver. - 2011) 

[ ♬ Download ]
iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/black-eyes-ep/id480594027
Melon :http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/albumdetailmain_list.htm?albumId=2033270

▶ LOENMUSIC FB : http://www.facebook.com/LOENMUSIC.official
▶ LOENMUSIC TW : https://twitter.com/LOEN_MUSIC

This is the dance version following the music video version of "Cry Cry". The members have grown out of their cute girly images to show new concepts with powerful choreographies. "Cry Cry" depicts one's sadness over a parted lover and is a passionate Spanish style song with powerful beats and brilliant guitar sounds. 

ティアラ(T-ARA)_ クライ・クライ(Cry Cry)(MV Ver.2)
Cry Cryのミュージックビデオ・バージョンに続いて今度はダンス・バージョンを披露する。キュートな少女のイメージから脱し、今まで見せたことのないティアラの姿とパワフル­な振付を収めている。別れる恋人への悲しい気持ちを表現した 「Cry Cry(クライ・クライ)」は、強いビートに派手なギターサウンドが引き立つ情熱的なスパニッシュ風の曲だ。

Cry Cry 뮤직비디오버전에 이어 댄스버전을 선보인다. 귀엽고 깜찍한 소녀의 모습을 벗어 던지고 지금까지 보지 못했던 티아라의 모습과 파워풀한 안무가 들어가 있다. 'Cry Cry(크라이크라이)' 는 이별하는 연인을 향한 슬픈 마음을 표현했으며, 강한 비트에 화려한 기타사운드가 돋보이는 정열적인 스페니쉬 풍의 곡이다.

T-Ara - Sexy Love In Tokyo (2012)

T-Ara - Sexy Love In Tokyo (2012)

*English subtitles are available.
(Click on CC button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' fuction)

T-ARA comes back with a whole new song called SEXY LOVE, after finishing up their previous song DAY BY DAY. The song contains an addictive melody line and amazing synth sound. They worked again with Kyu-sung Choi and Shinsa dong Tiger, who has produced T-ARA's previous songs such as BO PEEP BO PEEP, ROLY-POLY, AND LOVEY-DOVEY. 
The new song has the choreography which reminds people of a robot, and this dance will able T-ARA continue on with their popularity after the LOVEY-DOVEY's shuffle dance. 
Also, just like DAY BY DAY, SEXY LOVE2 will also come out with a dramatized manner. 
T-ARA's REPACKAGE album, with seven songs including the ballad 'Night and Day' will be on sale from September 4th. 

▶ LOENMUSIC FB : http://www.facebook.com/LOENMUSIC.official
▶ LOENMUSIC TW : https://twitter.com/LOEN_MUSIC

「DAY BY DAY」で成熟した姿を披露したティアラが180度違った魅力の「SEXY LOVE」で戻ってくる。感覚的なシンセサウンドと中毒性のあるメロディーライン、トレンディな編曲が引き立つ「SEXY LOVE」は、「BO PEEP BO PEEP」、「ROLY-POLY」、「LOVEY-DOVEY」で着実に呼吸を合わせてきた作曲家シンサドンホレンイとチェ・ギュソンの作品だ。ロボットを連想させるポ­イント振付けで、「LOVEY-DOVEY」のシャッフルダンスに続くロボットダンスのブームを引き起こす見込みだ。

また、映画のような映像美で多くの話題を呼んで来た「DAY BY DAY1」に続いて、ドラマタイズ形式のミュージックビデオ「SEXY LOVE2」も披露する。バラード「昼と夜」を含めて全7曲が収録されているティアラのREPAKGEアルバムは9月4日リリースされる。

DAY BY DAY로 성숙한 모습을 선보였던 티아라가 180도 다른 매력의 SEXY LOVE로 돌아온다. 감각적인 신스사운드와 중독성 있는 멜로디라인, 트렌디한 편곡이 돋보이는 이번 곡은 BO PEEP BO PEEP , ROLY-POLY , LOVEY-DOVEY로 꾸준히 호흡을 맞춰온 작곡가 신사동호랭이와 최규성의 작품이다. 로봇을 연상시키는 포인트 안무가 더해져 LOVEY-DOVEY의 셔플댄스에 이은 로봇댄스 열풍으로 몰아갈 예정.

또한 영화와 같은 영상미로 숱한 화제를 몰고온 DAY BY DAY 1편에 이은 드라마타이즈 형식의 뮤직비디오 SEXY LOVE 2편도 만나 볼 수 있다. 발라드 '낮과 밤'을 비롯하여 총 7곡이 수록된 티아라 REPAKGE 앨범은 9월 4일 발매된다.

Secret (시크릿) - Poison [MV HD 1080p]

Secret (시크릿) - Poison [MV HD 1080p]

Weekly K-Pop Music Chart 2012 – September Week 5

There are big changes on top of the chart this week as the new No. 1 and No. 2 songs were not even in the top 10 last week. We were predicting T-Ara's "Sexy Love" and FT Island's "I Wish" would be battling for the top spot, but instead those two songs only ended up as No. 3 and No. 4 respectively this week.

Secret's "Poison" was only at No. 17 last week but leapfrogs all challengers to become our new No. 1 song. Secret has become the new darling of our chart. Last year they were named top female group on our year end Soompi Gayo awards as they had two No. 1 songs and a No. 2 song. Earlier this year, Secret focused on their Japanese career, but have now come home to release their third mini-album. The title track "Poison", is a song of the hip-hop genre. As the song title suggests, it is about a person realizing that falling deeper and deeper in love is poisonous and yet being unable to swim out of it. The song was created by Kang Ji Won and Kim Kim Bum, who are responsible for Secret's two chart topping hits last year, "Magic" and "Shy Boy".

Moving up from No. 13 to No. 2 this week and was only five points behind Secret's "Poison" is Orange Caramel's "Lipstick". This is the highest chart position the After School sub-unit has ever reached. They hit No. 3 with "Shanghai Romance" last year. "Lipstick" is an addictive upbeat number. Saxophone and synth sounds are key elements to this song. This cheerful song is about playing innocent after leaving a lipstick mark on a boy a girl meets for the first time.

Rounding out the all girl groups top three is T-Ara's "Sexy Love". This song was in a great position to become No. 1 this week but perhaps still suffering from the after effect of the group's negative publicity over the summer, it drops one spot to No. 3. Still, it is only nine points behind Orange Caramel's "Lipstick". These same three songs will battle once again for the top spot next week.

One other new entry to the top 10 this week and this song will probably try to break up the girl group dominance next week. G-Dragon's "Crayon" debuts at No. 7 this week. This song is the title track from G-Dragon's mini-album "One Of A Kind" and it replaces "That XX" which was in the top 10 the past two weeks. "Crayon" is an abbreviated form of "Crazy On". It is an electro hip-hop number composed and penned by Teddy and G-Dragon.


[HD 繁中字] T-ara - Sexy Love 티아라 - 섹시 러브 (Robot Dance Ver. - 2012 [MV])

[HD 繁中字] T-ara - Sexy Love 티아라 - 섹시 러브 (Robot Dance Ver. - 2012 [MV])

English subtitles are available. 
Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. :) 

T-ARA comes back with a whole new song called SEXY LOVE, after finishing up their previous song DAY BY DAY. The song contains an addictive melody line and amazing synth sound. They worked again with Kyu-sung Choi and Shinsa dong Tiger, who has produced T-ARA's previous songs such as BO PEEP BO PEEP, ROLY-POLY, AND LOVEY-DOVEY. 
The new song has the choreography which reminds people of a robot, and this dance will able T-ARA continue on with their popularity after the LOVEY-DOVEY's shuffle dance. 
Also, just like DAY BY DAY, SEXY LOVE2 will also come out with a dramatized manner. 
T-ARA's REPACKAGE album, with seven songs including the ballad 'Night and Day' will be on sale from September 4th. 

▶ LOENMUSIC FB : http://www.facebook.com/LOENMUSIC.official
▶ LOENMUSIC TW : https://twitter.com/LOEN_MUSIC

「DAY BY DAY」で成熟した姿を披露したティアラが180度違った魅力の「SEXY LOVE」で戻ってくる。感覚的なシンセサウンドと中毒性のあるメロディーライン、トレンディな編曲が引き立つ「SEXY LOVE」は、「BO PEEP BO PEEP」、「ROLY-POLY」、「LOVEY-DOVEY」で着実に呼吸を合わせてきた作曲家シンサドンホレンイとチェ・ギュソンの作品だ。ロボットを連想させるポ­イント振付けで、「LOVEY-DOVEY」のシャッフルダンスに続くロボットダンスのブームを引き起こす見込みだ。

また、映画のような映像美で多くの話題を呼んで来た「DAY BY DAY1」に続いて、ドラマタイズ形式のミュージックビデオ「SEXY LOVE2」も披露する。バラード「昼と夜」を含めて全7曲が収録されているティアラのREPAKGEアルバムは9月4日リリースされる。

DAY BY DAY로 성숙한 모습을 선보였던 티아라가 180도 다른 매력의 SEXY LOVE로 돌아온다. 감각적인 신스사운드와 중독성 있는 멜로디라인, 트렌디한 편곡이 돋보이는 이번 곡은 BO PEEP BO PEEP , ROLY-POLY , LOVEY-DOVEY로 꾸준히 호흡을 맞춰온 작곡가 신사동호랭이와 최규성의 작품이다. 로봇을 연상시키는 포인트 안무가 더해져 LOVEY-DOVEY의 셔플댄스에 이은 로봇댄스 열풍으로 몰아갈 예정.

또한 영화와 같은 영상미로 숱한 화제를 몰고온 DAY BY DAY 1편에 이은 드라마타이즈 형식의 뮤직비디오 SEXY LOVE 2편도 만나 볼 수 있다. 발라드 '낮과 밤'을 비롯하여 총 7곡이 수록된 티아라 REPAKGE 앨범은 9월 4일 발매된다.

Secret - Shy Boy (시크릿 - 샤이보이) [MV]

Secret - Shy Boy (시크릿 - 샤이보이) [MV] 

Creating a new girl group trend with hit songs such as "Magic" and "Madonna" in 2010, Secret is back with their single album [Shy Boy] on Jan 6th. Composed by the hit song composers Kang Ji-Won and Kim Ki-Bum, "Shy Boy" is a swing dance genre, with bouncy swing rhythms and lyrics to enrapture listeners. 

シークレット(Secret) _ シャイボーイ(Shy Boy)
2010年、「Magic」、「Madonna」をヒットさせながらガールズグループの新しいトレンドを作ってきたシークレットが、1月6日シングルアルバム[Shy Boy]で歌謡界に帰ってきた。今回のアルバムのタイトル曲「シャイボーイ」は、ヒット作曲家カン・ジウォンとキム・キボムが意気投合して完成したスウィングジャンルのダ­ンス曲で、スウィング特有のハツラツとしたリズムと歌詞が聞き手の耳を引きつける。

2010년 한 해 동안 "Magic", "Madonna"를 히트 시키며 걸 그룹의 새로운 트렌드를 만들어 가고 있는 시크릿이 1월 6일 싱글 앨범 [Shy Boy]로 가요계에 돌아왔다. 이번 앨범의 타이틀곡 '샤이보이'는 히트 작곡가 강지원-김기범이 의기투합해 완성한 스윙 장르의 댄스곡으로, 스윙 특유의 톡톡 튀는 리듬과 가사가 듣는 이의 귀를 사로 잡는다.

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